Everything Starts Where It Ends

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So last week my aunt and uncle's washing machine broke last week. The replacement was supposed to arrive yesterday but didn't. As a result I was forced to visit the Laundry mat due to a lack of clean clothes.

I arrived to find it exactly like this. COMPLETELY EMPTY! Not a person in sight! I forgot to bring something to entertain myself so this is what I did to pass the time:

And that is only about have of them! Ha Ha yeah I'm a dork! But hey I had fun! So to sum it up: Washing Machine: $2.00
Dryer: $2.00
Laundry Soap and Food: $15.00
Two hours alone in a laundry mat and clean clothes: Priceless!
Oh and here's a little song that was stuck in my head the whole time:

Sunday, November 2, 2008


* Link to the person who tagged you (Andra- www.andralynncefalo.blogspot.com)
the rules on your blog
*Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.Okay, here goes:

1. I really love to sing in the car. I'm not talking just singing along with the music. I like full on perform the song ha ha. When I'm alone I blare the music and sing as loud as I can. Yeah I'm pretty much a nerd.

2.I have a major obsession with pens. I love like really weird pens. In 9th grade I had this pen that had a little koosh ball on top and had eyes and a beak. It was the coolest! Ever since then I look for weird pens like that. I recently bought a pen with a koosh ball on top that has a nerd face painted on it and is kinda in the shape of the carrot and named it Jerry.

3. So I've noticed lately that whenever I'm in no hurry to get to class and am not walking with a friend I'll make it a point to avoid the cracks in the sidewalk. I pay very close attention to them. It's extremely weird and I tell myself that. But i still find myself doing it anyways. People probably wonder what the heck I'm doing.

4.When I go to sleep at night I have to sleep facing the wall. I have no idea why. Whenever I try to sleep facing the other way I can't sleep or it takes me longer to fall asleep. I always have to face the wall.

5. When I'm alone I always have to have some kind of sound going. I'm always listening to music or watching tv or singing or talking on the phone. I hate it being quiet when I'm alone. I have no idea why. Even in the car I always have to always have music going.

6. Hmm...another weird thing about me....Oh yeah I came up with National Penguin Appreciation Day. My friend and I have this jokes about penguins and one day I just decided to tell him that it was National Penguin Appreciation Day. It is September 30th and we now are observing it every year.

Alrighty well Andra tagged everyone I really know on here except Nick so I tag him and him only :)