Everything Starts Where It Ends

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So last week my aunt and uncle's washing machine broke last week. The replacement was supposed to arrive yesterday but didn't. As a result I was forced to visit the Laundry mat due to a lack of clean clothes.

I arrived to find it exactly like this. COMPLETELY EMPTY! Not a person in sight! I forgot to bring something to entertain myself so this is what I did to pass the time:

And that is only about have of them! Ha Ha yeah I'm a dork! But hey I had fun! So to sum it up: Washing Machine: $2.00
Dryer: $2.00
Laundry Soap and Food: $15.00
Two hours alone in a laundry mat and clean clothes: Priceless!
Oh and here's a little song that was stuck in my head the whole time:


Blogger Cefalo Family said...

Oh the love of the laundry mat. I spent lots of time at laundry mat's and yes it is terribly boring. Glad you got your clothes clean and at least entertained yourself. Love you.

November 12, 2008 at 9:04 AM  

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